I posted this 4 or 5 years ago and no one got it. Seeing todays pressure for the Redskins to change their name I decided to pull this out of the digital mothballs. Below is the original post.
I was watching Mike & Mike a little while back and they were talking about the Redskins and how they might have to change their name to get a new stadium in D.C. They were also talking about if they should have to change the name. There were a ton of viewers who believe that this name should stay. They said something like 38% of America thinks the name should go. You can count me in that percentage
This got me to thinking what if the entire NFL had names just as bad as the Redskins.
So, I decided to make helmets for every team using every racist thing I could find on google and see just how outraged people would get over some of those teams. Thus proving how much change is needed with the name Redskins.
This is going to be very racist by design. I am not a racist, which I know is what most racist people say but I feel no hate for anyone based on their race, nationality, religion or sexual orientation. I do however have a strong dislike of Raider fans lol.
Sorry for the language ahead of time. I found this lists of slurs on wikipedia. I also added the definition for each from the site. Some of the images I made and others I just googled images of racist shit and boom ten billion images.
Might I welcome you to the National Racist League still under the leadership of Roger GODell (I know it’s Goodell but he thinks he is GOD its a joke comment corrector person hit delete)

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Posted on July 3, 2020 in Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, Buffalo Bills, Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, Detroit Lions, Football Concepts, Green Bay Packers, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Kansas City Chiefs, London Bills, London Jaguars, London Rams, Los Angeles Raiders, Los Angeles Rams, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, New Orleans Saints, New York Giants, New York Jets, NFL, NFL Helmets, Oakland Raiders, Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers, Saint Louis Rams, San Diego Chargers, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Bucs, Tennessee Titans, Toronto Bills, Washington Redskins
Tagged #ChangeTheName, #chiefs, #HTTR, #jeb2016, 49ers, @charlessollars, arizona beaners, Bears, Bengals, biggot, Broncos, Browns, bucs, Camel Jockies, camel jocky, camel jokey, Cardinals, Chargers, charles sollars, charles sollars concept, charles sollars concepts, charles sollars nfl rebrand, Chink, coconut, cousins to start week one, Cowboys, cracker, Cracker Assed Crackers, curry muncher, curry munchers, dallas little pink cowboys, DC qb out, Dolphins, Dykes, fag, faggot, fags, Falcons, frogs, Giants, griffin benched, griffin out, Hail To The Redskins, hillbillies, homo, honkies, honky, hypocrite, If Jeb Bush Named NFL Teams, illinios nazis, J.A.P, Jags, Jap, Jay Gruden, jeb, jeb bush, Jeb bush approved NFL, Jeb Bush love slurs for team names, Jeb Bush Redskins, Jets, Jewish American Princess, jiggaboos, kansas city klan, kraut, lesbo, Lions, little pink cowboy, miami wet backs, National Racist League, Nazi, NFL rebrand, nigger, niggers, oreo, panthers, Patriots, peppers, Racist, raghead, Raiders, Rams, Ravens, Redskins, Redskins Name Change, redskins new qb, Redskins Stadium Debate, RG3, rg3 benched, RGIII, Robert Griffin III, Seahawks, steelers, taco bumpers, Texans, Titans, uniform, Vikings, wet backs, wetbacks, wigger, wiggers, wop, www.charlessollarsconcepts.com
I think the Royals should wear a special tribute hat to honor the life of Yordano Ventura to start the season. I think that this gesture will show the love the team and city have for Yordano.
The basic idea is to remove the KC from the BP hat and replace it with Y V with the crown over the top.

If you want make this happen RT it to the Royals. Who knows they might do it.
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Penn State is known for their white helmet with no logos but the Rose Bowl is known for teams adding a rose to the helmet. So, what is a classic old school traditionalist to do when two old traditions run into each other at full speed
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Posted on December 13, 2016 in B1G, Penn State
Tagged @charlessollars, B1G new helmets, charles sollars, charles sollars concepts, new Penn State Helmet, penn state, Penn State Rose Bowl, PSU Helmet Rose Bowl, Rose Bowl, www.charlessollarsconcepts.com
First let me say on the record: I am so glad the all yellow idea was killed. Now, the red on red is ok but I would have liked it if the Chiefs added something new to the color rush jersey. Here are a few ideas I have to spice things up a bit.

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

I don’t see why the color rush uniform has to be one color only. So, with that in mind here is a yellow pant KC concept. I am not a fan of a hello top in any form.

Nike is selling this shirt as the Chiefs Color Rush shirt. So, I did some uniforms following this design idea.

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Posted on September 13, 2016 in Football Concepts, Kansas City Chiefs, NFL
Tagged #chiefskingdom, @charlessollars, charles sollars, Chiefs Color Rush, Chiefs Kingdom, Chiefs New Color Rush, kansas city chiefs, New Nike Chiefs unifom, NFL Color Rush, Nike Chiefs Color Rush, Nike Chiefs Pro Combat, Travis Kelce, www.charlessollarsconcepts.com