Tag Archives: uniform

Cleveland Cavs Ads On Jersey

I was playing around with some ads on the jersey and the possible progression we might see over the next 10 years

If you want more Cavs Concepts click HEREcavs adscavs ad 2cavs ad 3cavs ads 4 cavs ads 5

Man U Kit Concepts

man u 4 man u chevy man u 10 man u 8 man u 7 man u 5 man u 3

Bring Your Fantasy Football Team To Life In The #FantasyNoMore Contest 2014

#FantasyNoMore is back for the 2014 fantasy football season.

Last year the Edward Snowden Travel Agency and the Fighting String Beans were brought to life along with my team the Mesa-Macon Mudd Dawgs and my cuz team the Stoned Monkeys




Do you want to bring your fantasy team to life it is simple just follow these rules

Follow me on Twitter Instagram Googleplus Tumblr Pinterest Facebook One entry per site

Post your team name and colors using the #FantasyNoMore on which ever site you followed me on.

One winner will be picked on Aug 10, 2014

The winner will be allowed to pick if they want a team logo, team helmet, team gloves, Draft Cards, or Player Cards.

stoned monkeys draft card 2 stoned monkeys draft card STONED MONKEYS STONED MONKEY 6 STONED MONKEYS Football Card BOSS MAN STONED MONKEYS Football Card RICE STONED MONKEYS GLOVES 2 stoned monkey logo 4


Sacramento Kings Concepts

These too are really old concepts from 2012 8057492616_687cbf22d0_o8057494365_23506c21d0_o 8057495493_d65a2dccb7_o 8057663176_60c5be5ec0_o 8057934630_6600c0a968_o 8057938619_4aef1eda6c_o