Tag Archives: uniform

Brazil World Cup Keeper Kit


Link to Brazil Kit Conceptsbrazil world cup keeper 3 brazil world cup keeper 2 brazil world cup keeper

United States World Cup Keeper Kit Concepts

USMNT Kit Concepts World Cup   US Soccer Logo Ideas  Older Kit Conceptsusa world cup keeper 4 usa world cup keeper 3 usa world cup keeper 2 usa world cup keeperusa world cup keeper 5

Chelsea FC Samsung Galaxy S 5 Branded Kits Part II

chelsea 65chelsea 64chelsea 62chelsea 61chelsea 60Samsung Galaxy S 5 Chelsea Kits Part I 

chelsea 58 chelsea 57 chelsea 56 chelsea 55 chelsea 54 chelsea 53 chelsea 52 chelsea 50 chelsea 49 chelsea 48 chelsea 46 chelsea 45 chelsea 44 chelsea 41 chelsea 40 chelsea 39 chelsea 38 chelsea 37 chelsea 36 chelsea 35 chelsea 34 chelsea 33 chelsea 32 chelsea 30

Want Me To Look Over Your Design? I’m Now On Fiverr

I am now on Fiverr

Want me to review your concepts, tell you what I think you need to change, have questions about the best way to make a concept got $5 bucks then hit me up.


Please no Nike or Adidas designers I know you need help but come on guys.
