Tag Archives: Toledo Mud Hens

Toledo This Is How You Do A Ghostbusters Uniform

I loved the Ghostbusters. I love sports. I love uniforms. So, when I heard the Toledo Mud Hens were doing a Ghostbusters night I thought that was cool. Then I saw the half assed uniform they put together to capitalize off the memories of my youth and I was a little pissed. I am fine with companies taking advantage of my childhood to get my money because things like ALF (bring it back give it to Seth either or both of them), TMNT, X-Men, Transformers, and Ghostbusters get brought which is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

I do have a problem when someone just half asses something especially uniforms and doubly when it is Ghostbusters.

This is the uni Toledo thought was good enough. It sucks



Ok, the front is decent. The Mud Hens shouldn’t be on the name patch but I guess you have to have the team name on the front. There is no Ghostbusters patch or team version of a Ghostbusters patch strike one, there is no slime strike two, lastly there is no blaster pack on the back of the uniform strike three



I used the same uniform Toledo did as my template and just added what they should have done in the first place if they really cared. Things to take note of the Ghostbusters patch has a Yankee symbol in because who wouldn’t want to them in a trap. The front now has slime and the negative space has the player number in it. The back has a blaster pack. The players number is shown on the pack in red wires. The one thing not pictured is the ghost trap that should be on the hip of the pants




Here is a second version this one fixes my bitch about the last name not being on patch. It also gets the team name on the uniform and more slime.

There should be some kind of pocket on the bottom part of the front but I don’t know if a fake zipper would look stupid and if a real one would get in the way so I left it off. I also want to see the gun on the side of the uniform. I guess you could just screen it on the uniform on the back. Then you also have to do something for the belt but I am thinking you do that on the pants but I don’t know for sure.

So, the point is if you want to bastardized my childhood memories for profit please spend more than 5 minutes on it because I spent hours upon hours watching and playing back in the day and anything less than AWESOME just pisses me off. You don’t fuck up my cartoon heroes!