Tag Archives: NFL

Tampa Bay Bucs Ship Helmet Concepts

bucs ship helmet


bucs silver black bucs creamscile ship

Tampa Bay Bucs Concepts

bucs ship helmetCharles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

bucs ship helmet

What is Under Armour Thinking

Under Armour has paid to be the official sponsor of the NFL Combine but yet they are letting Adidas run the 100k for the fastest 40 time contest.

Why are they letting another brand run a better marketing campaign in the event they paid to sponsor? You already spent the money why not give whoever runs the fastest 40 time a two year shoe deal at the same 100k but name one of your shoes after them plus do a TV ad with them on draft day.

If you tell these guys you wear a UA shoe and run the fastest 40 time you get your own signature shoe and a tv ad not a single kid there would wear Adi. Adi would have to spend some real money to get the attention of the players. Naming a shoe after a guy runs you $0 dollars

Just saying someone at UA needs to fired for letting this happen and the guy at Adi needs a raise because a 100k is nothing.

Tampa Bay Bucs Flag Logo Concepts

Here are few versions of a new Bucs flag logo I threw together. I will throw some helmets together here in the next week or so.

Here is the original logo I saw online that I decided to tweak a little



I started with wrapping the flag around the sword because the original logo looks like the flag would fall off. I also added the creamsicle outline because I think the team should use the creamsicle color pop like the seahawks use the neon green. The rest of the concepts I played with different variations of logos on the flag and different background colors


bucs logo sample 7 bucs logo sample 11 bucs logo samples 3 bucs logo samples 4 bucs logo samples 9 bucs logo samples 10 bucs logo samples bucs logo samles 3

Another Nike NFL Rebrand = Another Clusterf*$k

Ok the Tampa Bay Buccaneers decided to let Nike redo their look and Nike has failed once again.

The current tally

Nike Great Job 0

They have not wowed me with anything they have done so far. The new Seattle uniforms I like but I think they could have done some little things to make it really pop and push it to another level. It is however the best uni they have made for NFL

Decent Job 2


Vikings   I like the flat helmet for the Vikings I like the more old school shoulder stripes, but the numbers are odd and the horn on back of sleeve stripe looks like a printing error


ClusterF*#k s

Dolphins what color of aqua is that and the logo is not an upgrade old uniform was better.

Jags= FUBAR WTF logo looks like bad Japanese comic from the 90’s, The uniform is the worst in all of sports, the two tone helmet doesn’t even work with their own design statement. Designer should be fired and banned from ever doing another uniform.

Now to grade the New Bucs look.

Here it is if you haven’t spotted this massive logo yet



The devil horn look on the front of this helmet is not a good look

bucs8_12603470_8col thumbNew.php




Ok above is the new helmet and new logo


Log lets start there they didn’t make a change worthy of changing. The skull looks more like Skeletor now , you can see less of the sword, the flag lacks movement/folds. Great job Nike

The lettering is cheap looking. I like the old lettering better by a hair.

Ok, now onto the helmet. The helmet is once again not classifiable as one color which has been a thing for the Bucs so I guess I will let that slide. I am a fan of large oversized logos. Some of my fav designs I have done feature an oversized logo. Now, with that being said this one is too big and shape of the logo doesn’t flow with the helmet. Since the team was using a new logo they could have made it to flow better on the lid.

I am not sure who made this logo but I really like it. I found it on the web. If you made it let me know I will link back to you. Great job BTW



I would like to see a few changes to this I would like to see the flag wrapped around the sword in the middle and possibly a creamsicle outline since the helmet is dark. Here is a quick mockup needs some work but you get the idea. I like the idea of changing out the skull too. I might work on some versions here in a bit.

bucs logo

Here are some better versions I did of the Bucs logo here

Before I bash the look anymore I will say I love the new ship logo



I still don’t like the football or the skull but the boat is much better than the old one. I would like to see some creamsicle highlights in the sails. I will work on tweaking this as well.

Either the ship or alt flag would have worked better on an oversized logo helmet. I will make some some and show you what I am talking about later this week. I am interested to see what changes in the uniforms come next.

If you want to check out my old concepts for a Bucs rebrand here is the link

Now before any of you hypesheep start blowing me up telling me how sick they are just



Keep buying overpriced shit that looks like hell that is “special” because someone tells you it is not because you like it. Once you have an original thought you may talk. baaaaah!