Tag Archives: Missouri State

Missouri State Bears “Meanest Bears In The Woods” White Uniform #BearMade

meanest bears in the woods in players

I did a bunch of different versions and concepts that I will be posting over the next few weeks.

If you want a more detailed view of this uniform follow this link

For Older Concepts Click Here

Missouri State Bears “Meanest Bears In The Woods” Detailed Photos




msu detail 2msu detailmsu pants 5 msu pants 4

Missouri State Biggest Bears In The Woods Helmet Stripe Concepts

Ok so I heard the statement “Biggest Bears In The Woods” and I thought that the team needs to have some kind of shirt, helmet, etc… that plays up that line.

Many of you might remember my helmet and uniform concepts I offered to the old coaching staff for free. If not here are the links Helmets Uniforms Fields Shirts

Here are a few of the Helmets and things I pitched to the team last year

missouri state gloves Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollarsCharles Sollars Concepts @charlessollarsCharles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

We all know that the team went with the safe version of the helmet pictured above. The helmet they made had a larger bear head than before but not the size I had dreamed up and then someone chose to go with an arena league stripe front the 90’s. I want it on the recored I had no part in either of those choices. I wanted the helmet you see pictured but it was miles better than the black sparkle lids.



So with a new Coach it only seems fit to offer up my design services again. I personally like the white helmet so it gets to stay. The bear needs to be bigger and the stripe needs to be fixed. So, here are my ideas to bring the Biggest Bears In The Woods idea to the helmet

back bears set one back of bears full set BEARS BACK 10 BACK OF BEARS 9 BEARS BACK 8 BEARS BACK 7 BEARS BACK 6 BEARS BACK 5 BEARS BACK 4 BEARS BACK 3 BEARS BACK 2 bears back

I have some more ideas but that is for another day. If you like the idea let Coach Stec know.


Biggest Bears In The Woods

BIGGEST BEARS IN THE WOODS 8mo state logo 6mo state logo 4missouri state logobiggest bears 4biggest bears 2biggest bears  copyBIGGEST BEARS IN THE WOODS 8BIGGEST BEARS 3biggest bears 4biggest bears 2biggest bears

Missouri State Bears Helmet I Designed

Helmet I designed and gave to Missouri State where I graduated twice




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