Tag Archives: helmets

Missouri State “Meanest Bears In The Woods” Home & Away Uniforms


Missouri State Bears “Meanest Bears In The Woods” White Uniform #BearMade

meanest bears in the woods in players

I did a bunch of different versions and concepts that I will be posting over the next few weeks.

If you want a more detailed view of this uniform follow this link

For Older Concepts Click Here

Missouri State Bears “Meanest Bears In The Woods” Detailed Photos




msu detail 2msu detailmsu pants 5 msu pants 4

Murray State Racers Helmet Concepts That Were VETOED


Here is the helmet that was used but below are all the other ideas I gave to Murray State sadly they went conservative. I really wanted the front facing logo looking at the defender or lineman from every Murray State player but as a designer you never have final say and I was told that it was too much. Link to stripes only murray state 5 murray state 7murray state smallermurray state racersmurray state horseshoemurray state helmet 2murray state 24murray state 23murray state 22murray state 21murray state 12murray state 11murray state 10murray state 7murray state 5murray helmet set

Murray State Helmet Stripe Concepts That Didn’t Happen

20140830-045315.jpg  20140830-045249.jpg

This is the helmet the school went with but below are some stripe options I made before the design to go with only checker was made by the school.


murray state stripe redo 2 murray state stripe redo 3 murray state stripe redo 4 murray state stripe redo 6 murray state stripe redo 7 murray state stripe redo 8 murray state stripe redo 9 murray state stripe redo