Tag Archives: adidas


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Blackshirts blackshifts alt neb corn nebblackshirt nebblk6 nebblk4 nebblack3 nebblack2 nebblk8 nebblk9 nebblklogo nebblklogow





Let me first say I love the subway tile theme on the baseline. That concept should have been taken further down the rabbit hole. The all-star uniforms themselves look unfinished and generic. It is just another failed attempt by Adidas who if they were a kappa gamma they would be sent home because your drunk adidas.

I took the subway them and the two city theme and came up with these. Now I spent like 2 hours on this so yes it could be improved but Adidas spent all year on the crap they rolled out.

The basic idea here is Brooklyn and New York colors will be the base colors for east and west. The circle and number reflect the subway system. The color of the circle is the color of the players team.

the white box with the east or name in it are the train destination boxes.

I did sleeved and regular because I still think this is how it should be done letting players pick if they like sleeves.

Lots of stars because it is an All-Star Game

There is room for improvement but it was two hours worth of thought which seems to be a bit more time than Adidas spent on the real uni UA Nike please get the contract when this one is up

all star east GASOLall star WEST CURRY 2all star WEST CURRY















Color Bath By Me Of Shaq Remix By My Buddy Archie Tolentino



This is the original by Archie



I did a bunch of color versions of the Shaq Remix concept Archie made a few weeks back. I did Magic, Suns, Lakers, LSU, Cavs, Team USA, Xmas, Celtics and a few others. I also threw in a Oregon version just to make Nike mad if I was Reebok

shaq xmas

shaq heat2shaq suns 4shaq suns 5shaq suns 3shaq suns 2shaq sunsshaq lsu 3 shaq lsu 2 shaq lsu shaq super sonics shaq ducksshaq la 5 shaq la 4 shaq la 3 shaq la 2 shaq lashaq candy cane shaq heat shaq orlando 2 shaq magic shaq boston 2 shaq bostonshaq cavs 2 shaq cavs shaq gold shaq usa gold shaq usa


Missouri State Bears Maroon Uniform Front Options

bears close up 6 bears close up 3 bears maroon close up 2 bears close up maroon

Missouri State Black Uniform Front Options

bears close up 8 bears close up black