Rejected Lacrosse Military Themed Ideas

I started on this project for a benefit Lacrosse Tournament that was going to be making a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. I agreed to take on the project at a very discounted rate because I like what the Wounded Warrior Project does.

Design Guidelines. NO CAMO because that should be earned, each team will rep one branch USAF, Marines, Navy, Army One team darker colors the other lighter colors, add our logos, school names, and charity logos. Simple enough rules to run with or so I thought

I decided to add each schools name to the side of each uniform to reflect the writing that covers most military vehicles. Keeping with a vehicle theme I started looking at pictures of Jeeps, Jets, and Ships. Since I had to come up with four designs I decided each team should be different. I hate when brands do one template and just change the colors. I added a small flag on each uni on the chest to give the uniform a more military uni look and so that the uniform was more respectful. I felt that a bunch of flags draped all over the uniform was disrespectful since all of the people these uniforms are honoring have had to see way too many caskets draped in flags. I thought it was just a bad visual and could possibly bring back sad memories of lost buddies.



When I think of Army I think green not the yellow and black stuff they want to put on Nascar stuff. So, I went with a WWII era look of a Jeep and then decided to go with Medic Jeep look since this is WWP and most of the guys are still around because of the Medics in Jeeps or in modern day the Hummer. The school that was to wear this uniform was a Catholic School too so I didn’t think anyone would have an issue with the large red crosses on the uniform. I did two versions. The shorts changed to black after getting some feedback from some guys stationed at my cousins base. They said just one star and they wanted black shorts because thats what they give them to wear in pt.

cardinal gibbons 2

cardinal gibbons med jeep


When I think Navy I think Aircraft Carrier. So, i decided to turn the top into the landing pad part of the ship the shorts are red just like the haul of a large ship and the black water line separating them all. I added the two massive anchors because well ships have anchors. The front numbers reflect the ship number the back is to look the actual landing strip.

apex navy 2

Air Force I really wanted to pinups that were painted on old bombers personally but high school kids would have been wearing them so I decided to go with the Thunderbirds the flashy high flying elite airshow unit in all their scalloped and started glory. This schools colors were also blue and red so the theme fit the school better than say the Blue Angels or the Red Tails or etc…

cc usafMarines was the last one and I think we all think about Dress Blues but I had to have a light colored team so I went with the lighter colored uniform top. I didnt want to give the kids any medals or rank so I went with the uniform color top but with a carrier vehicle numbering and lettering. The pants are the pants you are used to seeing blue with red stripe but with a silver sliver down one leg to reflect the dress sword of the Marines. I also added a subtle Semper Fi in the red stripe.

marine layout with pic copy


Sadly you will not be seeing any of these design at this tournament because I was told that these had no “WOW Factor” (his stupid term not mine) and when I asked what changes I could make I was told “I really do not have the time to answer all these questions/requests; I was less than satisfied with the first round” and I was off the project.

I will translate this for you “Read my mind and don’t listen to what I said before, you should know what I am thinking even though I told you something else. I’m important, I’m important, I’m important, I can do better than this look at the crap I came up with before I called, no one liked that stuff but look at it, I’m important, I’m not paying the balance due because I’m important.”

The above images are the first round of designs. I will say that again the FIRST round.

Just a note to everyone if you don’t care enough about a project to answer an email you shouldn’t be working on the project. If you take the time to answer and email with questions about the project with an email saying you don’t have time to answer questions you are just a PRICK. You took the time to send an email telling me how important you are when you could have taken half that time to answer the three questions.

Designers, people that create anything, the guy at Jimmie John’s making your California Turkey Club all need for you to tell them a few things if you want a final product that doesn’t suck.

Also with uniforms no one is expecting the first set of designs to be the final set. This like any other form or art has a process that one must go through to get to the end point. If you are thinking one and done or some brand or designer has told you that its first try or nothing you should really ask your self why are we doing this project. Do we really want a nice final product or our we just going through the motions.

You get what you put in  This is true for everything in life.

So, I thought I would share with everyone. I am thinking of turning these into football uniforms too. So stay tuned for that.

Football Versions 



Hawaii Rainbow Warrior Concepts Part II

I did an update on the sweet Rainbow Warrior uni a few weeks ago. These are those same uniforms but in green and black not the white on white like I did the first time.

Helmet Concepts    Logo  Rainbow Field  Helmets Part II

hawaii uni greenhawaii uni green 2 Continue reading


RC Helicopter Bodies

These are some concepts I did  for  an RC Helicopter canopy company. heli bolt 4heli bolt 3heli  bolt 2heli boltheli ELEC 4heli elec 3heli elec 2heli ELECTRICheli 28 heli 27 heli 24 heli 23 heli 21 heli 20heli 6 heli 5 tiger heli shark heli heli 2 heli


Armed Forces USAF, ARMY, NAVY, MARINES Football Uniform Concepts

NCAA Helmets        NFL Helmet


Original LAX Versions

These started out as lacrosse uniform ideas for a project I was working on but the guy that had final say on that project didn’t like the idea. So, I took the work and made them into football uniforms for the Service Academies Army, Navy, and  Air Force.

I saw a few questions online. So, here are a few answers.

Yes, I know the Marines do not have their own academy. The original project the four team themes were already picked for four high schools to wear. I kept the Marines because Navy could still wear them or any team wanting to do a military theme for that matter. The medical theme on Army was because the original project was going to give a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. So, the medic treatment was a hat tip to the service that all the doctors, nurses, etc provide to all the wounded service men and women.

USAF Thunderbirdsusaf thunderbirds Continue reading


TebowTime For Steelers

tebow pitt