
Sluggerrr Wap Tshirt Is Now Real

So, I too got caught up in Fetty Wap Trap Queen Fever this summer as 17 out of 38 Royals sang it in my ear. I decided to take the Sluggerrr the beloved mascot of KC and Fetty Wap him. The results can be viewed here Sluggerrr Wap

I had a one off made by a shirt shop back home. The graphics are a little dull but after a few washes it won’t matter. Prepare to feel very jealous




Sorry for the bad pictures but my phone is old as hell (iPhone 3Gs) and it won’t die so I keep using it.


What The Niners Black Uniform Could Have Looked Like If Nike Spent More Than 30 Seconds on it

NFL League Wide Helmet Rebrand

49ers 5kap back 3black 49ers red num 2black 49ers red numbers49ers 6Niners Helmet Concepts

better niners 2 better 49ers black 49ers black front kaepernick back black and gold kaepernick back all black kaepernick back black 49ers

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Don’t Be The James Blake Of Your #FantasyFootball League

Don’t get your ass tackled by the NYPD like James Blake. Stand out from the crowd get a custom Fantasy Football Logo, helmet or uniform. Stop using clipart and getting tackled for looking like the James Blakers

nice logo


What Must Have Been Said At All The Football Design Meetings This Year

drapper swag