
Retweet To Jerry Jones Until He Signs Tebow

TEBOWTIME IN BIG D tebow to cowboys tebow d 2


This Could Be…..

pasta at home


Cutler Is Hurt Jimmy Is Junk Who’s Next QB

BEARS flynn BEARS FARVE BEARS WARNER BEARS TEBOW BEARS rg3RGIII Doesn’t look so bad now does he?


Chiefs ALT Home Uniform Concepts

maclin-19-2 Current Home Unimaclin-19-3Current ALT Home Uni

maclin 19 red red red headdressCurrent ALT uni but with a headdress wrapped helmet

maclin 19Yellow pants and headdress helmet maclin-19 yellow pants

Yellow pants with current helmet could be a cool option


Coahoma Community College Game Helmet & Concepts

Earlier this year I received an email from Coach Morgan of Coahoma Community College. He was wanting to do something new for the new helmets his team was getting for this upcoming season.

This is the schools logo on the old silver helmet.


Here are a few of the Concepts I came up with for CCC

ccc 10

ccc 6

ccc 9

cccc 5 chrome decal

ccc 4

ccc 3 ccc 2

Coach Morgan decided to go with this look
