Category Archives: Baylor Bears

Baylor Bears March Madness Uniform Concepts

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CHANEL Announced As New Primary Sponsor For College Football Playoff Championship Game


In a marketing move to get women trapped in front of the tv by their football crazed boyfriends to care about who wins the game Chanel has decided to become the primary sponsor of the College Football Playoff Championship Game. The new trophy will be a larger than life sized version of Chanel’s newest lipstick called CHAMPION.

The new lipstick will feature colors of every National Championship team in NCAA history.


Baylor Basketball

baylor 2baylor 3baylor 6baylor 7baylor 8baylor 9
baylor 10baylor you pick 2baylor you pick 4baylor you pick 6baylor you pick 9baylor you pick 10
Baylor You PickbaylorADIDAS BY CHARLES SOLLARSAdidas Challenge

Baylor Basketball, a set on Flickr.

Duck Dynasty + Bowl Game + Uniform = Call Me

The guys at Duck Dyansty are getting a bowl game. Someone with a beard must have been watching my twitter account during bowl season because I said that either Bass Pro or Duck Commander should host a bowl game with some sweet orange vs camo uni action.

Well the first part is happening there will be a Duck Commander Bowl. The next question is will there be cool themed uniforms and if so who is going to design it?

NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but he is busy

nacho libre

So, guess that leaves this bearded football uniform creator



If you agree that this beard needs to team up with those beards let them know just push retweet

Baylor Bears Basketball Uniforms

It seems that Adidas has decided to continue to make ugly new uniforms with the latest Baylor Bears Uniform. If anyone at Adidas is listening I can fix your ugly problem, which will fix your people not liking your product problem, which will fix your why isn’t anyone buying our products problem.

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