Category Archives: SEC

Mizzou LB Michael Sam To Wear 96 For Saint Louis Rams

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Michael Sam To St.Louis Rams Congrats & Good Luck MIZ

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Kentucky Wildcats 140 Years Of Derby Helmet

California Chrome won the race wearing 5 I made these helmets weeks before the Derby it is a sign these need to happen.

I came up with the idea of a horse blanket helmet because well it is Kentucky. I decided to make a 3d version once I saw that this year is the 140th Kentucky Derby. This needs to happen

Horse Racing: Kentucky Derby

Kentucky Fans What Helmet Do You Want?

I want to know which helmet you like the best retweet the one you like best


Kentucky Wildcats Helmet Concepts


If you want to see one of these on the field let the coaches and AD know. Recruits you have the power, let the coaches know what will get you 30uk 31kentucky 6 kentucky 7 kentucky 9 uk 2 uk 3 uk 4 uk 5 uk 6 uk 10 uk 11 uk 12 uk 13 uk 15 uk 16 uk