Category Archives: SEC

NCAA Helmet Concepts


I have done thousands of NCAA and NFL helmets. Below are just a few of those helmets. If you wish to see more of your team just click on the link to see more helmets and for some teams full uniform concepts.
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South Carolina Gamecocks

southc south carolina 2 south carolina 3 south carolina 6 south carolina 8

Ole Miss

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CHANEL Announced As New Primary Sponsor For College Football Playoff Championship Game


In a marketing move to get women trapped in front of the tv by their football crazed boyfriends to care about who wins the game Chanel has decided to become the primary sponsor of the College Football Playoff Championship Game. The new trophy will be a larger than life sized version of Chanel’s newest lipstick called CHAMPION.

The new lipstick will feature colors of every National Championship team in NCAA history.


Kansas City Chiefs Rookies

Chiefs Uniform Concepts White, Red, Yellow, Black, Helmets KC Wolf Shirts Shirt Ideachiefs ford CHIEFS GAINES Chiefs DAT CHIEFS FULTON