Category Archives: Football Concepts

This is where you will find all of my football concepts. NFL, NCAA, Arena, Helmet, Uniform, Log, Fantasy, etc

Accepting Applications For A College Intern

I am considering bringing on a college intern.



Make Templates, Convert Client Art, Convert Design Sketches, Make Concepts, Help manage social media and website posts, Contact Clients, Contact Manufactures on project status

I will do whatever paperwork your college needs to fulfill your internship requirements.

You can be located anywhere as long as you have internet access.

You need to be a graphic design major with high AI and psd skills

Pay: Internship will be unpaid but could lead to a paying job



Send me a portfolio of you work and why you are interested in uniform design

I will select a final group of 5 to do a final project to see if you actually have the skills I need for this opening. I will send you a jersey layout and you will be required to remake it in a vector format for printing. You will be required to make a template for design off of an image I send you. Lastly you will design a fake team uniform on the template you build.



Creek Uniform Concepts

Creek Uni  4 creek 3 creek 2 creek 1

Georgia State March Madness Concept Uniform


50 Mind-Blowing College Football Helmet Designs – Lost Lettermen

50 Mind-Blowing College Football Helmet Designs – Lost Lettermen.

Navy Helmet Concepts

Armed Forces Theme Uniforms Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars


Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars