Category Archives: New England Patriots

Thinking Of Doing A NFL Rebrand What Do You Think


If you are like me you can’t wait until the draft happens and need something to keep you entertained between baseball games and mock draft updates. I have been every busy doing paid work but people keep asking me to do a version of their favorite team. So, I am thinking about doing a full NFL rebrand between the college concepts that have already been comisioned. I know other people have done this but eh whatever.

I think that there needs to be some rules before this task is started. The NFL does have some rules and I will follow these for the first round of designs. The biggest rule is the new one helmet rule.

I will make a home, away, alt, and throwback or faux back for each team. I will make 3 helmets for each team following this new rule by keeping the same base color. I will do this for all teams even if I do not think they need to change their helmets.

So, before you start yelling let me agree with you that the Chiefs, Steelers, Browns, and a few others teams need to stay with their current helmets. I still will make two other versions of a helmet for these teams just for fun.

Some teams I will redo/tweak their logo myself, some I will use the current logo, and others I will use cool logos I stumble across online.

I will probably start by posting helmets for each division and then move onto the full uniforms.

I am also thinking about doing some future/fantasy teams like what a new Redskins team name might look like, a Toronto Bills, London Jags, etc…

Lastly I will post some ideas of some stuff that doesn’t meet the new uniform rules but would be cool to do.

Let me know what you want to see your team look like if they rebranded. If I like the idea I might run with it. If you think I should do this let me know



New England Patriots Helmet Concepts

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Aaron Hernandez Has Been Arrested Finally & Released By The Pats

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Aaron Hernandez has finally been arrested. He was also released by the Patriots hours after his arrest. I am glad to see the Pats cut bait with Hernandez but honestly should he even be in the league. The answer is no. He is a thug. Everyone should be given a chance to change but this idiot used up all of those chances in college, but he could play ball so people let it slide. The NFL needs to start making examples out of college players before they become NFL players. If you fuck up in college you should be banned from the NFL Draft or at a minimum have sanctions placed on you that will make teams stay away from you. The NFL has no minor leagues, they have no support system for players. Yes, they have programs but how many guys are really putting in the time? The league suspends you can what happens then? Nothing happens. The NFL thinks players are expendable and that they can flash a light here and there to distract us all from the shit it’s players are doing monday-saturady. If kids knew going into college that their stupidity can make the millions in the NFL go away before they are even there they might actually go to school and act right. Blood is on Aaron Hernandez hands, the Patriots hands, the NFL’s hands, and the NCAA hands. The time has come to lock the door on the shithead athlete no matter how good he might be on the field. I doubt there is a league out there that has the balls to do this anytime soon.

Aaron Hernandez You Are Going To Jail You No Longer Are A Tightend

Charles Sollars Concepts @charlessollars

Aaron Hernandez you are getting arrested and it wouldn’t shock me if we see a picture like this for real because this kid is this stupid. Throw away the key or better yet someone go check the chair make sure its on.