Category Archives: NCAA Basketball

Ohio State Buckeyes Basketball Uniform Concepts

8592042309_db6d00a57c_o 8592041621_53eda25285_o 8592361139_037679cf09_o 8592360957_98e15a4764_o 8592360843_465c8534f4_o 8593460476_7c3370b9b4_o 8592360567_e60cc1f855_o 8593459770_8219e0cc95_o8592042309_db6d00a57c_o 8592041921_dc7c86405c_o 8593142880_47f6e545b6_o 8592041621_53eda25285_o

Louisville Cardinals Basketball Concepts

These are some different concepts I did for Adidas last year. I did something like 300 different ones in total. I was just brainstorming different ideas for them. They had a stroke and decided that impact camo was a better idea. I want it on the record that I had nothing that idiotic look.

feather 11

fade the other way

fade inlay

fade red pin stripe

fade double way

double fade 2

double color fade 2

doulbe pin white number

double pin stripe

double fade

diag dash

diag dash2

cross red

diag dash 4

diag dash 3

dash in lay

dash block shoulder

yellow stripe

white big head

white double fade

white single fade

wrap around bird

ville grey in red

white and grey big

ville white top

ville grey gradient

ville grey black

ville red

ville red gradient

ville grey 7

ville grey 3

ville grey 4

ville grey 5

ville grey 6

ville gradient red



ville grad 2


uofl 6

txt top


txt 2


stripes gradient 4

stripes and fade 5

the ville

text black stripes

stripes 2

two color fade

shoulder dash 2

soccer black

stripe fade

stripe fade 2

single fade


script red

single fade 2

soccer louie

soccer louie 2

shoulder dash

script fade

red pin feather 2

red pin feather

red pin white trim

red strpe

red fade 4

red feather fade

red fade up feather

red fade down

red fade double

diag dash

diag dash2

red down double fade

red feather script

red pin 2

red pin 3

red pin angle

diag dash 4

diag dash 3

dash in lay

dash block shoulder

chest txt 15

chest txt and stripes

chest txt

cross red

chest txt 14

chest txt 12

chest txt 11

chest txt 9

chest txt 8

chest txt 3

chest tt 4

chest txt 7

chest txt 6

chest logo 10

candy top

chest txt 5

black with feathers

candy 4

candy top 2

candy top 3

black fade

black diag dash

black and white stripe

bird wings

bird fade pin

bird head 2

bird head script

bird ville

bird and number

big red and white

big red and white L

big red and white l

big L stripe gradient

big l stripe gradient 2

big l stripes

big l

big l 4

big l 3

big L 2

big head stripe

big bird 5

big bird 6

big head leg

big head lower stripe

big bird 3

big bird

big bad red bird

big bad bird

big and name belt

big bad bird 2

big bad bird 3

Kansas Jayhawks Basketball Concepts

ku logo


kansas march


ku 17

ku 10

ku 14

ku 11

ku 7

ku 12

ku 2

ku 3

ku 13

ku 9

ku 6

ku 5

The Adidas Challenge Still Stands & Impact Camo Still Sucks

Dunk City FGCU Basketball Concept Uniforms

Nike go make FGCU a Dunk City uniform right now!

fgcu sweet 16

FGSU dunk city 4

FGSU dunk city 2

FGSU dunk city 3


fgcu 3

fgcu 2