I thought the new Twolves logo was not worth changing from the old after seeing it. So, I decided to tweak the new one with the old one and see what came put. Here are the results
New official logo above
I thought the new Twolves logo was not worth changing from the old after seeing it. So, I decided to tweak the new one with the old one and see what came put. Here are the results
New official logo above
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It is great that the Royals are wearing a tribute patch this year for Ace, but the design of the patch is lacking. I know it is a memorial but that doesn’t mean it has to look bad. I came up with this simple heart and crown design with Ace or 30 in the center of the heart. I mocked up the patch on a gray and blue uniform and on the outfield mural.
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April 10, 2017 in Kansas City Royals, MLB
Tagged #raisedroyal, @charlessollars, ace 30, ace 30 patch, Kansas City Royals, KC Royals, Royals, yordano ventura